Conferences Presentations



Academic Presentations by Tim Newfields

Adult ESL and the Web (Colloquium)

Approaches to Web Use for ESL

Autonomy in Learning Foreign Languages: A Workshop in Olsztyn

Beginner's Guide to Navigating the Internet (TESOL 2000 PCI)  

Common Writing Errors of Japanese University Students  

Corpora, Concordancing & ELT  

Creating a 'Chat' for Learners, Teachers and Researchers

Creating Web Pages for Effective Student Learning

Culture Capsules: A Web Project You Can Do!  

Designing and developing on-line Resources for ESL  

E-mail as a Teaching Tool

E-mail for ESL/LINC Students  

Email: Writing to a real audience (JALT-CALL 2000)  

ESL and the Internet: Content, Rhetoric, and Research  

Focus Discipline Research and the Internet (Conference Handout)

Focus Discipline Research and the Internet: Keys to Academic Literacy for At-Risk College Students  

Fun Effective Lessons with Content Based CALL

Gaining Equal Access to Technology

Hiring a CALL Coordinator: Perspectives from Employers and Employees

How to Create On-Line Materials for Students

Incorporating the Internet into Content-Based Instruction

Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum: Internet/Computer Writing Resources for a Content-Based Curriculum

Issues in Collaborative Teaching via the Internet

Learner Autonomy: What and Why?

Literacy On-Line in Australia

Online Publishing and Faculty Training  

Organizing E-mail Penpal Exchanges

Personal Website for Effective Teaching

Presentation Handouts from Sharon Widmayer & Holly Gray

Proceedings of Symposium: E-Mail, the Web, and MOOs: Teaching in Cyberspace

Promoting CALL at the Grass Roots  

Providing Support for Technology Leaders

Scripting the Web for Interactive Language Learning

Servers, Labs, and Tech on the Cheap  

Site Source for SPEAK Scores: Reporting SPEAK Test Scores on the Web  

Six Perspectives on Developing Successful Online ESOL Materials

Sort Right with RLSort (Freeware for Windows 95J, 98J, and 200J)  

Streaming Media: Real-Time Resources in the Language Classroom

Student-Authored WebPages as an ESL Writing Tool

Student-Published WebSites: Why learn HTML?

Teaching Grammar  

Teaching Pronunciation Using the Internet  

Technical Writing for ESP (Computer Science) Students  

Technology's Promise and Pitfalls & Adding Effectiveness to the World Wide Web

TESOL 2000 - Internet Fair Presentations

TESOL '99: 'Success on the 'Net for beginners'

TESOL Internet Fair 1999

The Ongoing Projects of The Internet TESL Journal

The Web as Input for Writing