Language Learning


A Child's First Steps in Language Learning  By J. Doug McGlothlin, The Internet TESL Journal, October 1997

A Dialog-Based Approach Toward Interlanguage Development By William R. Pellowe, The Language Teacher Online, December, 1996

A Guide to Learning Disabilities for the ESL Classroom By Christine Root, TESL-EJ, April 1994

A Non-native Approach to ELT:Universal or Asian ? By Hideo Oka

A Scheme for the Obtaining of Language Skills By Gong Xue-Ping, The Internet TESL Journal, June 1997

Action Research: A Tool for Improving Practice in EFL Classroom By Amanda Hayman, The Language Teacher Online, Dec. 1999

Action research: Semi-scripted monologues in team-teaching By John Wiltshier & Makiko Honma, The Language Teacher Online, Dec. 1999

CAN YOU GET A FIRST CLASS EDUCATION AT A THIRD TIER COLLEGE IN CHINA? By By: Niu Qiang, Ph.D., Martin Wolff, J.D., Teng Hai, Anne-Marie Gregory, M.Sc.

China ESL: An Industry Run Amuck?

Classroom: Forum or Arena? A look at some of the factors that play an important role in the teaching-learning situation. By Dimitrios Thanasoulas

Comprehension Hot Spots in Movies: Scenes and Dialogs Which Are Difficult for ESL/EFL Students to Understand By Donna Hurst Tatsuki, The Internet TESL Journal, November 1998

Constructivist Learning by Dimitrios Thanasoulas, Karen's Linguistics Issues, November 2002

Content Based Instruction in EFL Contexts By Stephen Davies, The Internet TESL Journal, February 2003

Controversial Issues in the Classroom (Jane Godwin Coury)

Cooperative Learning Activities for the Foreign Language Classroom By J. LeLoup and R. Ponterio, Language Learning & Technology, January 2000

Coping with Problems Caused by Stereotypes in Japan By Mario McKenna, The Internet TESL Journal, July 1999

Creating a Healthy Learning Environment for Student Success in the Classroom
By Bahaudin Mujtaba and Lisa Mujtaba

MAKE THEM BE AWARE, NOT BEWARE OF LEARNING The Cognitive Therapy Technique (CTT) in adult EFL classes. BY Kemal Sinan Özmen

Marketing Your Language Program 101  The basics to successful promotion of your courses By Sarah Elaine Eaton, M.A.

Metaphorical Systems and their Implications to Teaching English as a Foreign Language.  By Krishna Kondaiah

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Language Learning By Diana Beaver

Perceptions and Stereotypes of ESL Students By Shirley A. Wright

Using Mystery Stories in the Language Classroom   Eric J Pollock

What do teachers bring to the teaching-learning process? By Dimitrios Thanasoulas