A Case for Using a Parallel Corpus and Concordancer for Beginners of a Foreign Language by Elke St.John

A Foot in the World of Ideas: Graduate Study Through the Internet by David Nunan

A Hypercard Random Sentence Generator For Language Study By Charles Kelly

A Language Professional's Guide to the World Wide Web  By Carolyn G. Fidelman, CALICO Journal, Volume 13 no.s 2 & 3, 1996

A Model for Learning How to Teach Advanced Literacy Skills Via Computer Mediated Communication By Elaine Hoter, PHD Thesis, 2002

A Model for Listening and Viewing Comprehension in Multimedia Environments by Debra Hoven

A Multimedia Fiasco: Lessons from an IEP Classroom (Colin Sachs)

A Place to Start in Selecting Software (D. Healey & N. Johnson)

Active Learning Through Computer-enhanced Activities By Joy Egbert, Teaching English with Technology, May 2001

ALLE Evaluation - Choices Freeware

Alphabet Apprentice Tutorial Software  

An Evaluation of Intermediate Students' Approaches to Corpus Investigation by Claire Kennedy & Tiziana Miceli

Applied Computer Technology in Cree and Naskapi Language Programs by Bill Jancewicz & Marguerite Mackenzie

Artifacts and Cultures-of-Use in Intercultural Communication by Steven L. Thorne

Babylon - Click and get one-word translations  

Building a Corpus of Comprehensible Text By Greg Thomson, Language Impact, 2000

CALL and the Internet By Solange Moras. Use of the internet in EFL. (April, 2000)

CALL and the Teacher's Role in Promoting Learner Autonomy By Jeremy Jones, CALL-EJ, June 2001

CALL in the Year 2000: Still Developing the Research Agenda COMMENTARY (A commentary on Carol Chapelle's CALL in the Year 2000: Still in Search of Research Paradigms, Volume 1, Number 1) by Rafael Salaberry

CALL in the Year 2000: Still in Search of Research Paradigms? by Carol Chapelle

CALL is not a Hammer and not Every Teaching Problem is a Nail! Changing Expectations of Computers in the Classroom By Judy F. Chen, The Internet TESL Journal, July 1996

CALL Pedagogical Implications and EFL Conversation Textbooks By Tsai, Yu-hsin, Hwa Kang Journal of TEFL, May 2003

CALL Projects (Nora Nemeth)

CALL Quiz (John de Szendeffy)

CALL Software Evaluation Guide

CALL: Its Scope and Limits A speech by Frank Berberich, The Internet TESL Journal, June 1996

CALL@Chorus (Jim Duber)

Categorization of Text Chat Communication Between Learners and Native Speakers of Japanese by Etsuko Toyoda and Richard Harrison

CELIA Mac Listing

Click & Learn - A Complete Illustrated Guide to PC Hardware (Michael Karbo)

Collaborative E-Mail Exchange for Teaching Secondary ESL: A Case Study in Hong Kong by Roseanne Greenfield

Comparing Examinee Attitudes Toward Computer-Assisted and Other Proficiency Assessments by Dorry M. Kenyon and Valerie Malabonga 

Comparability of Conventional and Computerized Tests of Reading in a Second Language by Yasuyo Sawaki

Computer Assisted Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition by Peter J. M. Groot

Computer Mediated Communication: A Window on L2 Spanish Interlanguage by Robert Blake

Computer-Adaptive Testing of Listening Comprehension: A Blueprint for CAT Development By Patricia A. Dunkel, The Language Teacher, October 1997

Computer-assisted Conversation Practice as a Part of Communicative Language Teaching By Anatol Shevel, IATEFL Poland Computer SIG Journal, January 2002

Computers as Communication Tools in the English Class  By Jaros3aw Wi1zowski, IATEFL Poland Computer SIG Journal, March 2001

Computers in Action (Lesson Plans & Ideas) (Steve Quann and Diana Satin) Integrating Computer Technology into the ESOL Curriculum

Computers in Language Testing: Present Research and Some Future Directions by James Dean Brown

Computer Literacy: Issues and Approaches CALL: Basics & Beyond. The Proceedings of the 2nd Annual JALT CALL SIG Conference at Chubu University, Japan. Ed. by Paul Lewis and Shiozawa Tadashi. Oct. 1997. (p. 63 - 68).

Concerns with Computerized Adaptive Oral Proficiency Assessment (on Kenyon and Malabonga) by John Norris

Considerations in Developing or Using Second/Foreign Language Proficiency Computer-Adaptive Tests by Patricia A. Dunkel

Crossing Boundaries: Multimedia Technology and Pedagogical Innovation in a High School Class by Susan Parks, Diane Huot, Josiane Hamers, and France H.-Lemmonier

Daedalus  network software for collaborative language learning.

Design and Evaluation of the User Interface of Foreign Language Multimedia Software: Cognitive Approach by Jan L. Plass

Designing Task-Based CALL to Promote Interaction: En busca de Esmeraldas by Marta González-Lloret

Developing Global Connections through Computer-Mediated Communication By Myra Shulman

Discourse Functions and Syntactic Complexity in Synchronous and Asyncronous Communication by Susana M. Sotillo

Download Literacy and ESL Software - Practise Your Skills (Bruce Laidlaw)

DrillAssistant (Freeware for Windows) (EFKA-Soft)

Effects of Students' Participation in Authoring of Multimedia Materials on Student Acquisition of Vocabulary by Ofelia R. Nikolova

E-mail and Word Processing in the ESL Classroom: How the Medium Affects the Message by Sigrun Biesenbach-Lucas and Donald Weasenforth

English Teachers' Barriers to the Use of Computer-assisted Language Learning By Kuang-wu Lee

Expert and Novice Teachers Talking Technology: Precepts, Concepts, and Misconcepts by Carla Meskill, Jonathan Mossop, Stephen DiAngelo, & Rosalie K. Pasquale

Exploring Parallel Concordancing in English and Chinese by Wang Lixun

Extending the Scope of Tele-Collaborative Projects COMMENTARY (Inspired by Jean W. LeLoup & Robert Ponterio's "Tele-Collaborative Projects:", Volume 7, Number 2) by Phillip A. Towndrow

Generalizaton of Computer Assisted Prosody Training: Quantitative and Qualitative Findings by Debra M. Hardison

Genres, Registers, Text Types, Domain, and Styles: Clarifying the Concepts and Navigating a Path Through the BNC Jungle by David YW Lee

Hands off that e-dictionary! The (few) merits and (many) disadvantages of e-dictionaries from the author's point of view By Glen A. Hill

Hangman for ESL Students (Download it as a ZIP file.) (Jim Vassila)

Higgins' Software for Learners of Foreign Languages (John and Muriel Higgins)

HyperCard Classroom: Some are Language Games (Joe Hammons and Tony Peterson)

HyperCard Templates for Language Learning (Claire Bradin)

IELP WebClass On-line (Elizabeth Anderson) Reading/Listening/Speaking Links

Input vs. Output Practice in Educational Software for Second Language Acquisition by Noriko Nagata

Insights into the Construction of Grammatical Knowledge Provided by User-Behavior Tracking Technologies by Joseph Collentine

Integrating E-Language Learning in the Classroom  by Alex Michael, Karen's Linguistics Issues, November 2002

Integrating Technology into Minority Language Preservation and Teaching Efforts: An Inside Job by Daniel Villa

Java Applets in Education  An article by Pankaj Kamthan, Internet Related Technologies, March 1999

Language Teaching Software from Creative Education (Martin Holmes)

Language Testing and Technology: Past and Future by Micheline Chalhoub-Deville

Learning English with your Macintosh (Jacek Iwanski)

LinguAssist (Colin Mahoney)

Linguistic Perspectives on the Development of Intercultural Competence in Telecollaboration by Julie A. Belz

Link Grammar - A Syntactic Parser of English (Daniel Sleator)

MaxAuthor (For Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me) (University of Arizona) A Free Multimedia Authoring System for Language Instruction

Methodological Issues in Research on Learner-Computer Interactions in CALL by Volker Hegelheimer & Carol A. Chapelle

Michael Cribb's 'Download (Windows) Software' Page  word game

Multimedia CALL: Lessons to be Learned From Research on Instructed SLA by Carol A Chapelle

Multimedia in EFL (Paul Brett) Using multimedia in EFL

Optimal Psycholinguistic Environments for Distance Foreign Language Learning by Catherine J. Doughty & Michael H. Long

Our House Suggestions for a text-based CALL lesson by Rolf Palmberg

Points to Consider when Evaluating Interactive Multimedia By Warwick J. Thorn

Processes and Outcomes in Networked Classroom Interaction: Defining the Research Agenda for L2 Computer-Assisted Classroom Discussion by Lourdes Ortega

Providing Controlled Exposure to Target Vocabulary Through the Screening and Arranging of Texts by Sina Ghadirian

Quiz Cards (Flashcards)

Realizing Constructivist Objectives Through Collaborative Technologies: Threaded Discussions by Donald Weasenforth, Sigrun Biesenbach-Lucas, & Christine Meloni

"Reflective Conversation" in the Virtual Language Classroom by Marie-Noëlle Lamy & Robin Goodfellow

Research on Text Comprehension in Multimedia Environments by Dorothy M. Chun & Jan L. Plass

Research Questions for a CALL Research Agenda (A reply to Rafael Salaberry) by Carol Chapelle

Resisting Obsolescence in CALL  By Brian McCarthy, CALL-EJ Online, January 2002

Selecting and integrating CALL software programs into the EFL classroom by K.C. Lee

Signal Analysis Software for Teaching Pronunciation by Dorothy M. Chun

Social Dimentions of Telecollaborative Foreign Language Study by Julie A. Belz

Some Computer Programs for Teaching Basic Skills (Bill Straub)

Speech Technology in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Strengths and Limitations of a New CALL Paradigm by Farzad Ehsani & Eva Knodt

Student Perceptions on Language Learning in a Technological Environment: Implications for the New Millennium by Jonita Stepp-Greany

Teaching German Modal Particles: A Corpus-Based Approach by Martina Mollering

Teaching Text and Context Through Multimedia by Claire Kramsch & Roger W. Anderson

TESOL CALL Interest Section - Software List (D. Healey & N. Johnson)

Text Categories and Corpus Users: A Response to David Lee by Guy Aston

The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics CALLing Japan. Vol. 3. No. 3. Dec. 1994. (p. 5-6).

The Impact of CALL Instruction on Language Classroom Computer Use: A Foundation for Rethinking CALL Teacher Education? by Joy Egbert, Trena M. Paulus, Yoko Nakamichi

The Role of the Computer in Learning Ndjébbana by Glenn Auld   

The Use of Computer Technology in Experimental Studies of Second Language Acquisition: A Survey of Techniques, and an Outline of Work in Progress by Jan Hulstijn

"To Gloss or Not to Gloss": An Investigation of Reading Comprehension Online by Lara L. Lomicka

TotalDeletion - Freeware for Mac or Windows.

Towards an Effective Use of Audio Conferencing in Distance Language Courses
by Regine Hampel and Mirjam Hauck

Understanding the "Other Side": Intercultural Learning in a Spanish-English E-Mail Exchange by Robert O'Dowd

Using Automatic Speech Processing for Foreign Language Pronunciaton Tutoring: Some Issues and a Prototype by Maxine Eskenazi

Using Microsoft Word to Generate Computerized Tests By Frank Tuzi

Using Native Speakers in Chat by Vincenza Tudini

Using the World Wide Web to Integrate Spanish Language and Culture: A Pilot Study by Maritza Osuna & Carla Meskill

Web-Based Activities and SLA: A Conversation Analysis Research Approach by Raffaella Negretti

Web-based Computer Aided Language Learning (Alan Ryter)  Designing Web-based ESL lessons

What Future For CALL? Stephen Orr

"What's in a Gloss?" COMMENTARY (A response to Lara L. Lomicka's "To Gloss or Not to Gloss" An Investigation of Reading Comprehension Online, Volume 1, Number 2) by Warren B. Roby

What Lexical Information do L2 Learners Select in a CALL Dictionary and How it Affects Word Retention by Batia Laufer and Monica Hill

Why Integrate ESOL and Computers?

Word Processors' Grammar and Spelling Assistance: Consequences for Second Language Learning and Teaching By Ingrid Fandrych